Moosesafari - summer

For moose safari during the winter, see here.

When & where
June 20 – Aug 20
Hjerkinnhusvegen 35, 2661 Hjerkinn

Prices 202
Adults (13+)            kr 490
Children (6-12)       kr 245
Binoculars                kr   50

What to expect
Moose are majestic animals and with good reason called “The king of the forest”. But despite their impressive size, they can be difficult to spot. Thankfully, our guides know the area very well and are experienced in finding moose.

The aim of this safari is of course to spot moose, as many and as close as possible. In addition, we aim to teach you all there is to know about moose and other wildlife, and of course Norwegian culture. This is why we start the safari with a presentation, “Antlers, Hoofs & Hides”, which lasts 30 min to 1 hour. Here, we talk about the differences and similarities between animals, and show skin, hoofs and antlers from moose, muskox, reindeer and other animals. You’ll have the opportunity to touch and feel the objects that we’ve brought, take pictures and ask questions.

After the presentation we start driving, and we go to where we know the chances of seeing moose are the greatest. This is different throughout the year, but often includes driving main roads. We bring a telescope for everyone to use, and coffee and a snack to enjoy during the safari!

Keep in mind that moose are wild and therefore shy animals, which means that sometimes you need a bit of luck to get close. Even with our experience, it is impossible to predict how the safari will be, as every day is different. That being said, our guides will give the best tips & tricks to spot moose and other animals, which you hopefully get to use the rest of your journey!

The safari, including the presentation, takes 3-4 hours, and is offered for groups of 2-12 people.

If you’d like to hire a private guide, you can fill out the form further down.

What to bring
We get out of the car a couple of times, so we advise to bring warm clothes and mosquito-repellent, as well as binoculars. Binoculars can also be rented.

NOTE: We don’t have any car seats for children, so guests are responsible for bringing those themselves if necessary (we don’t have isofix). It is possible to bring children younger than 6 as well, but we only have a limited number of seats available, so a booking must be made for every individual joining the safari. It is not allowed to have children on your lap during the drive.

Private safari

Would you like a private safari with your own guide? Please fill in all the fields below to complete and submit the registration form. Price kr 2900.