Welcome to Dovre & Lesja Aktiv!
We at Dovre & Lesja Aktiv love nature - and we love to show it to you. Our goal is to make nature accessible to all, in a safe and sound manner. Our guides are locally known and have a rich knowledge of Norway's nature, wildlife and culture. Join us and we promise we will do everything we can to give you an unforgettable experience!
We do guiding all year round. In the summer we offer musk ox and moose safaris in Dovrefjell National Park, every single day. And if you think we are sitting still in the winter, then you are mistaken: even then we offer musk ox and moose safaris!
To see what we do throughout the year, you can have a look at our blog, or follow us on sosial media!
Instagram - Facebook - YouTube - TikTok
Rune was involved in starting the company in 2019, and is our daily manager. Born and raised in Lesja, and thus as locally known as one can become. He was originally a farmer, but now does a lot of other things - including guiding.
Originally from the Netherlands, but has lived in Norway for more than 10 years. The reason for coming here was simple: fantastic nature and moose. She has 5 years of education in nature management and ecology, and has now worked as a musk ox- and moose guide for over 4 years. In her free time she likes to go hiking with her dog, and look for moose - her favorite animal!
Dovre & Lesja Aktiv is part of Frich’s. Frich’s offers accommodation, restaurants, and cafes along the E6 and RV3 roads. Here, you can experience good food, rest and activities. Which started as a small café in 1942, has today grown to 9 hotels and motels as well as 8 restaurants and cafés, from Brumunddal in the south to Oppdal in the north.
For accommodation and food close to us, look here.
To see all they have to offer, visit www.frich.no.